
Our Buying Policy

The large majority of people who contact us to sell Wisdens have either inherited them or indeed they are from people who may simply have run out of space.

Essentially the Wisdens have been bought, read and looked after by someone who cares for cricket. That person may have passed away or for many a reason decided to part with their collection, but it is important to respect the effort gone into acquiring the collection.

Most people who contact us do not have much idea as to the value of Wisdens so when viewing a collection we will offer as much information as we can in order to give the seller the facts they need to decide how to proceed.

We are especially interested in pre 1976 Hardback Wisdens and pre 1950 Linen Cloth/Soft Back editions. We will naturally consider collections that comprise of these and later almanacks.

We are very fortunate not to have the overheads and costs associated with a larger cricket memorabilia dealer so we are usually more generous when we make an offer. Nearly everyone you speak to will want to see the collection or at least see photographs, this is both understandable and a necessity.

If there is anything you feel we have not covered or you would like clarification on please contact us on 01480 819272/07966 513171, We are available from 8.30am  until 6pm weekdays.  We will always try and answer emails or enquiries, if convenient to do so (family does come first) outside of these times and at weekends.. If we are unavailable please leave a message and we will return your call.

The one thing we would say to all those who have a collection to part with – No matter what happens with the collection once you have decided to part with it, it will go to like-minded people who love the almanack and the game. Wisden is not an impulse buy, so each and every Wisden in your collection will be wanted, read and enjoyed for a long time to come. 

Our Selling Policy

As collectors we fully appreciate that describing a Wisden as honestly and clearly as possible is important. Detailing an almanacks good points is an essential part of this process but also highlighting any deficiency is equally important.

The descriptions we use are in many ways unique to Wisdenworld. We do not follow the industry standard by using words such as “mint” or “pristine” at every opportunity, but we prefer to be more emotive by using words such as “splendid” or “delightful.”

We also acquire distressed Wisdens and rather than sell these as is, we do engage the skills of, probably, the leading restorer in the country. Some people have asked why we do this and our answer is simple. We want to present our stock to you in the best possible condition and if that entails restoring some editions, then we believe we are offering a service that most Wisden collectors welcome.

As we state on our front page if a Wisden is received and the buyer feels, for any reason, that they do not wish to keep it, then we offer a 100% refund policy and we will also refund any postage costs that the buyer incurs when returning it.